Thursday, February 26, 2009

Only If Convenient

Our National government is teaching us new things every day, it seems, and one of the latest is: gender equality is only for good economic times. Yes, you read that right; Tony Ryall announced this week that pay equity investigations in two departments would be cancelled because they would lead to pay demands which the government couldn't afford to meet. He is blatantly admitting that women are being paid less and deserve more, but denying them on the grounds of the economy. Labour instituted these pay equity inquiries, and we at Young Labour Christchurch believe that there is never a bad time for equality to be promoted, or for anyone to be paid a fair wage. We encourage everyone reading this to email Tony Ryall and tell him why he's wrong at, or to participate in the faxathon protest being organised by the fabulous ladies at The Hand Mirror. We assure you that we all will be!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thanks for the linky love Lucy, and for the publicity for the faxathon :-)